the 1000fans club
This thing here, it's nothing like Patreon.
It's probably more like only fans.
It's a bit like Only fans but I'll never show you my arse.
This “thing” here is an exchange of Time through Money.
On the outside its a scientific experiment but deep down its a way to fleece you out of some Money every month.
18 minutes worth of Money to be precise
£3 a month.
Which equates to £36 a year.
Like sponsoring a Donkey.
In return at end of every 12 Months I will send you a Christmas present.
I don't know what the Christmas present is exactly but it will come in a box of some description.
I've split the year up into four quarters
I will report back with my findings at the end of every quarter via the Members Only page
Each member gets
A free entry into The Tri-Monthly Tragic Tombola where you can win fabulous prizes.
In a nut shell your sponsoring a donkey to Chase the Walrus.
I’ve just purchased two shipping containers with the plan to turn them into something I’ve been thinking about for ages.
All while building up the infrastructure of Tragic O’Hara Enterprises.
And I think of you as an investor.
I believe as a member of the 1000fans Club you are an investor in Tragic O’Hara.
And as an investor you should be rewarded.
This is just my way of making the things that I like and giving them to the people who like them the most.